Essential Ferrara:

The Driller Killer on DVD, "The Moral Vision" in print!


Cult Epics available via Sazuma

Out now:

Two absolute must-buy-items for fans of New York independent director Abel Ferrara:

His first films (including the trailer of his pornofeature NINE LIVES OF A WET PUSSY as well as early short films) along with a new brilliant transfer of his debut THE DRILLER KILLER (1979) on a well-designed double-DVD from Cult Epics (L.A.);

and FAB Press' long awaited analytical monography "The Moral Vision" by Brad Stevens, featuring rare and private photos - even from the seventies - and complex essays on every single film. Not the first work focussing on Abel Ferrara's work - but certainly the one most closely to the artist himself (who also wrote a short foreword).

A long German review on the current Ferrara-stuff is forthcoming in :Ikonen: issue 5. Watch out for it!

P.S.: Also still available: Stiglegger/Kiefer: Die bizarre Schönheit der Verdammten, Schüren Verlag

