January 2013
* Due to the split of the original line-up of :Golgatha: no new actions
are planned currently. Anyway some things from the past will come up
now and then. One of these is the collaboration with the neoclassical
historical ambient formation Oda Relicta. On the album 'UIA' :Golgatha:
collaborated on one track called 'From Dreams into Ranks'. Check out
the review on Heathen
* Christoph D. is the last remaining member of :Golgatha: in 2014 and
as the original founder of this band this will be the fact in future
as well.
* The active and creatives energies of :Golgatha: are continued in the
Pagan Folk band MARS.

March 2012
:Golgatha: will play a gig at the Rites-Festival at Vienna with Sieben,
Spiritual Front and Jännerwein. We will play new material as well
as classics from nearly all albums, especially 'Horns of Joy'.
* The gig at Rites festival was the final live performance of :Golgatha:.
here is the setlist: Intro: Kali Yuga - Fertility
Men of Fire - The Iron Rose - The Horns of Joy - Lucifer Rising - A
Seeker Divine - Syria - Nihil - Crusade - Death in Honour - Sun and
Steel - Death of the West. Thanks to everyone who attended and supported
us. Especially to DJ Eraserhead.

July 2011
'The Horns of Joy' is out now and looks terrific. First reviews are
very good (Orkus 9/10!). 'Death in Honour' is played by some DJs already
to great effect. Thanks for your support - you know who you are! 'The
Iron Rose' is also featured on the Orkus Compilation no. 71.
April 2011
'The Horns of Joy' cover preview online. Artwork by Birthe Klementowski.
March 2011
- 'Horns of Joy' will be released by a huge German gothic label on june
12th, 2011. Pre-orders will have a chance to obtain the digipack CD
with an exclusive t-shirt designed for this release. More news to come.
- We have now completed our guest contribution for an upcoming vinyl-album
by Ucrainian Oda Relicta: an in-depth opus "Ukrainian Insurgent
Army", due October, the 14th, 2012. The record will comprise e
a thematic bilingual (UKR/ENG) prospect. More news to come.
- A new and exclusive :Golgatha: song will appear on a German compilation
"Beyond The Mirror Of Time" later in 2011, featuring neoclassical
interpretations of classical literature. Also featuring Verney 1826
(Ger), Aeterna (Ger) and Arkane Seduction (Grece).
December 2010
- :Golgatha: wishes all our fans and friends a wonderful Yule and and
succesffull new year of 2.011.
- The new album 'The Horns of Joy' is now finished and sounds powerful.
We are also very glad to have stunning guest appearances by While Angels
watch and Dawn & Dusk Entwined.
- The album will appear in Spring 2011 - more details to come soon.
- An
official video clip for 'Fertility' is now online for your
enjoyment. It was done by two film students: Marcel Barion and Kai Neumann.
November 2010
Throne Records of Spain will release the 'Heroic Trilogy' (Kydos, Icarus,
Seven Pillars) as a unique 2-CD-set with new artwork, booklet and located
within a slipcase. Due February 2011. The re-mastering and artwork is
finished and sent to the label.

September 2010
Predating the upcoming album 'Horns of Joy' an exclusive download compilation
of :Golgatha: songs is available on: http://golgatha.bandcamp.com/.
It is called 'Lovesongs from the Wasteland' and features some of our
most important tracks, including the collaborations with Sol Invictus,
Sixth Comm and Dawn & Dusk Entwined.
March 2010
There have been several recording-sessions for our upcoming album 'Horns
of Joy'with very satisfying results. This first completely new :Golgatha:-album
since 'Tales of Transgression & Sacrifice' will continue the path
of ritual folk and neo-classicism and feature lyrics and vocals for
every track. It is our first completely song-based album. Guest will
be David from Dawn & Dusk Enwtined and Dev from While Angels Watch
with powerful tracks. The artwok will be done by Birthe Klementowski
again. Expect a thick booklet with extensive linernotes and all lyrics.
The album is due in late 2010, most certainly on Cold Meat Industry.
(News: album delayed till spring 2011).
January 2010
After a long time the eagerly awaited Tursa/Kaparte-double-CD compilation
'With Friends like These' will finally be out on February 1rst, 2010,
via Cold Spring. :Golgatha: are featured here with 'Fertility'. Other
TONY WAKEFORD etc. Now this is some line-up! Highly recommended...

December 2009
The German gothic-magazine BLACK has done a long interview with :Golgatha:
concerning the re-release of 'Waste Land'.
Dec. 2009
Octobert 1rst, 2009
We are happy to confirm our concert
on winter solstice 2009 with Sonne hagal and Jännerwein at Chemnitz
Germany. The line-up will be Sorakey, S. Marleni and Christoph D. On
this occasion we will offer you the new and second edition of the bind
rune patch (silver embroidery on black).
Waste Land CMI 2009
August 2009
"The Waste Land" is now available. This remastered and improved
version of our debut-CD-r features new and extended artwork, linernotes,
several alternative versions and two bonus tracks.
Summer Darkness 2009
July 21rst, 2009
* Finally 'Cycles' has hit our home and - it looks terrific.
We have to thank Deng of MidNight for the great effort of work he has
invested into this beautiful art-project.
* 'Waste Land' is nearly finished and is now scheduled for our concert
at Utrecht. Watch out for our merchandising...
Cycles MidNight 2009
June 1rst, 2009
* Unfortunately both forthcoming albums 'Cycles' and 'Waste Land' are
delayed. 'Cycles' is still on the way from China, while the mastering
of 'Waste Land' is not finished due to some unexpected problems. But
we are at it and keep you informed.
* On August 8th, 2009, we will play live at the great Summer
Darkness festival at Utrecht. The line-up will be Chris D.,
S. Marleni and Sorakey. We will play on the stage with Dernière
Volonté, Triarii and Brighter Death Now. This might be our only
show this year, so don't miss it. We will play songs from all releases.
Februar 16th, 2009
'Cycles' by Birthe Klementowski (photos) and :Golgatha: (music) will
be published by MidNight Records in China this spring. It is a unqiue
chance, to get the very rare material of the postcard-collection/ch-r
'Circles' in a re-invented shape. The digipak-cd will contain a beautiful
thick booklet and 40 mins. of exclusive music.
December 21rst, 2008
Thanks to all who attended the Yule festival at Halle, Germany, featuring
Sixth Comm with their first public apprearance ever, playing all the
goodies. Our set was represented by Chris D. and S. Marleni, sadly lacking
Sorakey who lay sick in bed. The setlist was as follows: "Prayer"
(Sang Graal), "Crusade" (Sang Graal), "Men of Fire"
(Transgression), "Fertility" (Nihil), "Icarus' Law"
(Icarus), "Syria" (Seven Pillars), "Rising" (Nihil),
"Sun and Steel (Worldserpent II)" (Kydos), "Death of
the West" (Coverversion).
Halle live 2008
December 12th, 2008
* On December 20th, 2008, we will perform at the Yule festival together
with legendary Formation Sixth Comm and Anti Child League from London.
Hope to see you at Halle. We will perform tracks from all albums, including
new versions from 'Sang Graal' and two new songs.
* In spring two re-releases by :Golgatha: will appear: 'Cycles' (MidNight
Records) is the official and reowrked version of 'Circles' with photo
artist Birthe Klementwoski, and 'Waste Land' (CMI) will be the remastered
version of our debut CD-r.
November 3rd, 2008
* Waiting for the Change!
* Many new reviews of "Sang Graal" in the press section.
* Two concerts scheduled, on of them at Halle, Germany, December 20th
2008 with Sixth Comm and Anti Child League. (The planned concert at
Antwerp is cancelled).
August 12th, 2008
"Sang Graal" is getting rave reviews, we are really proud
of this release. You can read some of them in the press section. And
on MySpace
you will find two new tracks that will point the way for our future
album: "Nihil". But this is another story...
July 19th, 2008
* "Sang Graal" is now available
as CD and official download.
* A new interview on "Sang Graal"
is published by the German gothic-magazine Sonic Seducer (July/Agust
* The first
review of "Sang Graal" is published by www.feindesland.de
and gained a 15/15 rating!
* We are planning to play two more concerts
this year. More news soon.
* A brand new t-shirt-design is on the way... (add: a long way, admittedly;
we are still waiting for confirmation).
SG cover (July 2008)
May 24th, 2008
* New reviews have been added to the press-section.
* "Sang Graal" is now at the pressing factory. Completion
is near, despite some technical problems...
* We are currently planning two projects: the album "Nihil",
which will need quite some time, and a transitional e.p. called "Love
Songs from the Waste Land", containing only cover versions
of tragic love songs by Joy Division, Death in June, Leonard Cohen etc.
Let's see...
April 27th, 2008
* A concert feature on Augsburg (German language)
you will find here.
* This week the mastering of our album 'Sang Graal'
with Dawn & Dusk Entwined will be finished. It is planned for release
this summer, so watch out for am opus magnum on the myth of the grail
- 6-panel-digipak with exclusive photography, 65 mins. of neoclasical
and martial folk music.
* On our MySpace
you can hear two songs from the forthcoming album and an excerpt
of a compilation track to come on CMI this year.
* In the press-section (scroll to the bottom) you will find documented
March 23rd, 2008
* We are back from Augsburg. Our concert went
very well as we are concerned. The line-up was for the first time completed
by our new bass-player Harry S. There are a lot of photos this time,
some of them reproduced on our MySpace-account. Also take a look at
* It was also a pleasure to meet some old friends there, to talk with
Tony of Sol Invictus and to get some real personal and heartfelt reactions
from you. Thanks a lot.

February 2nd, 2008
* A very nice review of 'Tales' was done by Lee Powell of the renowned
Judas Kiss magazine in England - see press section.
* While practising for Augsburg we are working hard to conclude the
'Sang Graal'-chapter. This album with French ambient-masters Dawn &
Dusk Entwined (now also on CMI) will appear sometime this year. Some
ideas also arose for a completely new album, which may be called 'Nihil',
obviously focussing on nihilsm, but this is another story and shall
be told at a later date.
January 15th, 2008
We survived Zurich in good condition and are now working out our next
concert at Augsburg (see above). The gig at Dynamo Zurich was okay for
us, so we somehow felt a bit displaced at times. The personnel for the
evening was: Chris D., S. Marleni and Sorakey. Here is the setlist:
1. Intro (from Sang Graal, forthcoming), 2. Crusade (from Sang Graal,
forthcoming), 3. Man of Fire (from Transgression), 4. Royal Air Force
(from Seven Pillars), 5. Rite of Spring (from Transgression), 6. Syria
(from Seven Pillars), 7. Hag-All (from Transgression), 8. Worldserpent
(acoustic, from Kydos), 9. Death of the West (cover version), 10. Flesh
of the Orchid (from Transgression). For the first time we had a videoshow-backprojection.
At Augsburg we will appear with an additional bassguitar-player.
December 18th, 2007
Concert news 2007/2008:

December 22nd, 2007
Happy Yuletide! We wish you all the best fo 2008. May the light always
return. As a present for you we have uploaded a live version of "Worldserpent"
(from 'Kydos'): HERE.
Cover Transgression
November 22nd, 2007
*:Golgatha: will perform live at new year's
eve in Zürich (Switzerland) and on Easter Saturday in Augsburg
(Germany) together with Sol Invictus. We will add one person to our
line-up as far as things a planned.
* The December/January-issue of the German magazine
Sonic Seducer contains an interview
on our new album. Check it out!
* Thanks a lot for all your very positive comments on MySpace! It is
a great thing to know that at least some people out there get the point...
October 8th, 2007
First reviews of 'Tales...' are out. Orkus (GER) says: 9/10.
The album will now hit the shelves on October 20th
due to a delay in the pressing factory.
* The album can be officially downloaded here.
However we strictly recommend the full version with artwork and booklet,
for you will miss the best part... ;)
September 1rst, 2007
One song is now online on Fairtilzer.com as
a preview of our new album: LINK.
August 1rst, 2007
We are currently working out the artwork of 'Trangression & Sacrifice'
together with Roger Karmanik of CMI. The current cover layout you can
see above.
:G: 2007
July 14th, 2007
We have now finished the mastering of 'Tales of Transgression
& Sacrifice', this time produced by S. Marleni. You can expect
a soundquality similar to our MCD 'Icarus e.p.' which came closest to
our expectations so far. Some days earlier we got Birthe
Klementowski's photo artwork, which is really stunning. You might
get a first impression on her MySpace.
If everything works out the album will be released this autumn by Cold
Meat Industry in a DVD-digipak with a huge text/photo-booklet.
Watch out!
at the WGT
June 6th, 2007
Due to some requests we decided to publish a second
edition of the CDr 'Waste Land'. The black CDr is signed and
handnumbered and comes in a thick paper fold-wallet with slightly modified
artwork. The music remains unaltered. Release-date of this private fan-edition
is July 1rst, 2007. Order here: schaedelstaette[at]hotmail[dot]com.
Price is 10 Euro plus postage (2 Euro Germany and EU, 5 Euro World).
May 31rst, 2007
* On Monday, May 28th, we appeared live for the first time on stage
at the WGT, Leipzig, Germany. The personnel for the evening was: Chris
D., S. Marleni and Sorakey. Here is the setlist: 1. Intro (from Sang
Graal, forthcoming), 2. Invocation (from Waste Land), 3. Rite of Spring
(from Transgression, forthcoming), 4. Man of Fire (from Transgression,
forthcoming), 5. Royal Air Force (from Seven Pillars), 6. Syria (from
Seven Pillars), 7. Hag-All (from Transgression, forthc.), 8. Worldserpent
(from Kydos), 9. Death of the West (cover version), 10. Flesh of the
Orchid (from Transgression, forthc.).
* A nice article and image gallery you will find at Terror-Verlag.
May 1rst, 2007
* A new English language :Golgatha:-interview is now online on Beast
of Prey (Poland): LINK.
* Good news is also, that our albums are now all available via Tesco
* In our download section you will find a new audio-trailer
for the upcoming CD "Tales of Transgression &
April 18th, 2007
* Neo-Folk.it has now published the new online-compilation
with our exclusive track 'Victory II', a remix from the track 'Vitory'
featured on 'Seven Pillars'. In my opinion this version is even better
than the original one. Download this album here: LINK.
* We will play live at the Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2007
at Leipzig. Our set will contain old and new songs with more ritual
focus. Check back for news.
CD Seven
Pillars 2006
March 2nd, 2007
Heathen Harvest has reviewed 'Seven Pillars' in very sensitive way:
press section.
February 19th, 2007
* Very spontaneously we decided to record an exlusive
mini-CDr inspired by Birthe Klementowski's new postcard-set 'Circles'.
This artist was responsible for the layout of 'Seven Pillars', and will
be featured on the ucoming 'Transgression & Sacrifice'. The 5 ambient-ritual-tracks
are about the Circles of Life and Death. Pre-order your copy here: www.birthe-klementowski.de.
You can also see a preview of the postcards themselves. (addendum: This
set was sold out by Februar 27th).
* Due to some demand we a planning to play live
this year for the first time. We are currently preparing a partly acoustic
ritual-folk-set. More details coming up soon.
* On the future web-compilation by neo-folk.it
we will be featured with a remix of the track 'Victory' from 'Seven
Pillars', here in a more martial version. More soon!
January 18th, 2007
'Seven Pillars' got some very positive reviews in the leading German
Gothic magazines: Orkus (9/10!), Zillo,
Black. See press section for details. Birthe
Klementowski, who has done the artwork for 'Seven Pillars', has now
a homepage of her own. Check it out: www.birthe-klementowski.de.
January 5th, 2007
Welcome to the new year! It starts productive with a new download-sampler
www.nonpop.de, featuring the premix of our song "Garden of
Love", coming up this year via CMI. Wait and see...
Nonpop#1 Compilation
December 22nd, 2006
Dear friends and listeners! Without you we would be nothing. Thanks
a lot for the great support over that passed year. We will keep our
path and yet evolve within new territories. Stay tuned!We wish you all
the best for 2.007 and a happy winter solstice! Yours truly :Golgatha:
November 24th, 2006
* Sad news: A Russian internet provider is posting three of ours CDs
as a bootleg for a very cheap download. Don't be fooled by the 'serious'
presentation: These people have in no way the right
to sell our music. The only way to obtain our music on a legal
way is to buy it.
* "All My Dead Friends" is now available.
* Good news: We have recieved the first critical reactions on
"Seven Pillars" by German and international magazines.
Check it out in the pres section.
* We now began working on "Tales of Transgression
and Sacrifice", a CD planned to be out on CMI mid 2007.
The tracks "Rite of Spring", "Flesh of the Orchid"
and "Garden of Love" you may have already heared on MySpace
are first impressions of this new album, which will have a more ritualistic-shamanistic
sound than the CDs before. Also the visual aspect will be even more
important here.
October 8th, 2006
Cold Meat Industry has now officially announced the new label-compilation
"All my Dead Friends" featuring our new track "Rite
of Spring", alongside Coph Nia, Atrium Carceri, All My Faith Lost,
ROME etc.
CD All My
Dead Friends
September 12th, 2006
* The German netmagazine Neoform features
a new and exclusive interview on the new cd: LINK.
* Athanor has uploaded new soundsamples from
'Seven Pillars': LINK.
August 1rst, 2006
* The Italian webpage www.neo-folk.it features
the demo mix of 'Flesh of the Orchid' on their new online-compilation:
* On our myspace-profile
you will find two new tracks, one a demo mix of 'Garden of Love' with
female singer sorakey on vocals, and a
new montage of 'Seven Pillars'-material featuring the voice
of Tony Wakeford.
CD Neo-folk.it
July 10th, 2006
Cold Meat Industry has just announced the
upcoming publication of a label-compilation called 'All My Dead Friends'
which is going to feature one of our new ritual track called 'Rite of
June 14th, 2006
* :Golgatha: will team up with another well-known French musician to
create a CD on the myth of the Grail. 'Sang Graal' will see the light
of night sometime next year. Thematic connections to our first CD 'Waste
Land' ('terre geste') are obvious...
* 'Waste Land' will most likely reincarnate on vinyl in 2007, teamed
with an exclusive LP of outtakes and alternative cuts called 'Woodpaths'.
May 28th, 2006
German photo-artist Birthe Klementowski has now finished the photo-session
for the 'Seven Pillars'-CD-layout. Here is a display of her other work:
April 26th, 2006
* 'Icarus e.p.' has received some more very positive reviews on Orkus
(Ger), Lichttaufe (Ger) and Neofolk.de
* 'Waste Land' CDr is now totally sold out.
* Work on 'Seven Pillars' goes on very well. This Cd will feature exclusive
and original arabian vocals. The release will be out by late summer
April 3rd, 2006
* New reviews of 'Icarus e.p.' are posted in the press-section.
* Also we got a lot of enthusiastic reactions from the Californian radio-DJ
Statik 23, who hosts a very popular neofolk/experimental-webradio-show
called "Nocturne": link.
* Please visit our MySpace.com-profile,
where we regularly post new audio-montages and preview-material.
MCD out January
March 29th, 2006
Very fair and positive new reviews of 'Icarus e.p.' are present on Aural
Pressure, Eternal Soul, Heathen Harvest and
Lichttaufe. See press-section.
March 10th, 2006
The german netmagazine Feindesland.de has
published an enthusiastic and reflective review of "Icarus e.p.":
March 6th, 2006
* Trisol scheduled the release of Charlies Clouser's
soundtrack of SAW II on March 31rst :Golgatha: will be featured
on the bonus CD with an exclusive darkambient/ritual-track called "Shred
your skin" alongKirlian Camera, Sieben, Spiritual Front and Ostara.
CD out
March 2006
* The German gothic-magazine Zillo will
feature both official :Golgatha: releases in the upcoming April-issue.
February 16th, 2006
* The French magazine Guts of Darkness has
published a very fair review of 'Icarus e.p.': Link.
* There are only 9 copies of 'Waste Land' CD-r left. Get your copy now.
January 22nd, 2006
We have added two new mp3-downloads to our
collection, one exclusive demo-version of the folksong 'Flesh of the
Orchid' and a remix we did for the German industrial-formation Beinhaus
(see: Downloads).
January 19th, 2006
The French magazine Guts of Darkness offers
a very positive review of 'Kydos': Link.
January 15th, 2006
Our new MCD 'Icarus e.p.' is now out on :Ikonen:
media and available via Tesco
January 6th, 2006
The dedicated American dark-music-magazine Lunar
Hypnosis features an extensive interview with Chris D. of :Golgatha:
discussing the things so far: interview.
December 29th, 2005
We wish you all a happy new year 2006! Thanks for your great support
so far. - Another dedicated review of "Kydos" will be printed
in the German magazine BLACK. See news-section
for the quote.
December 20th, 2005
The German online-source www.terror-verlag.de
has a brilliant review of "Kydos" here.
out Nov. 2005
December 15th, 2005
"Kydos" has received very positive reviews, especially in
the USA: Heathen
Harvest, Lunar
November 25th, 2005
It seems like a strange coincidence that "Kydos" finally hits
the shops on the exact 35th anniversary of Yukio
Mishimas day of seppuku. It may be seen as a hommage to the great
but controversial writer, especially by featuring two tracks which are
directly inspired by his literary testament: "Sun & Steel".
November 20th, 2005
*A new English review of "Kydos" is now online on www.gothtronic.com.
* The recording sessions of "Icarus e.p." were finished today.
The EP is now in the mixing mode. It will feature two new versions of
"Icarus", one additional folksong called "Icarus' Law"
and two collaborations with Herbst9.
November 1rst, 2005
An exclusive interview with Chris D. of :Golgatha: is now available
in the German magazine BLACK
(issue 41, autumn 2005, page 14-15).
October 21rst, 2005
A new review of "Waste Land" is online on www.funprox.com.
There are only very few copies left. To secure one order
September 26th, 2005
You can get your first impression of Kydos here.
This 3 mins. soundsample contains a collage of several songs, including
"Icarus" and "Final Age of Heroism" by Patrick Leagas
(Ex-Death in June) and "Heldentag"
- a legitimate Sol Invictus-Cover.
September 16th, 2005
* The "Kydos" CD on Athanor will definitely feature two fascinating
folksongs by Sixth-Comm-mastermind Patrick
Leagas (Ex-Death in June). He sounds better
then ever. As we were waiting for his contribution till today we are
currently finishing the mastering of the CD.
* Also a mini-CD called "Icarus e.p." is planned for January
2006 (ikon 03), featuring a cooperation with German ambient-specialists
August 11th, 2005
A new German review is now online on www.shesaiddestroy.org.
July 18th, 2005
The French label Athanor will release the
new :Golgatha:-album as Cat.No. 029. It is due to come out in October
2005 in a beautiful 3-panel-digipak with exclusive photo-artworky by
Christoph D. There are two classically arranged folksongs on it, one
of them a coverversion of a famous Sol Invictus-song.
June 22nd, 2005
The recording sessions of the next :Golgatha:-release “Kydos –
Reflections on Heroism” are soon completed. The new material will
be more acoustic than “Waste Land” and may even contain
two guitar-driven folk-songs.
June 20th, 2005
A collection of early experiments called "Woodpaths" will
be available exclusively via this homepage within the next year. Check
the release section to order this item then. The tracks were recorded
from June 1995 to December 2004 and date back to a time when :Golgatha:
had not even been an idea to be considered. "Woodpaths" may
shed some light on the slowly developing concept of :Golgatha:. (Note:
The plans for this release changed due to Nocturnes wish to publish
a vinyl album with the mentioned track in 2007).
June 18th, 2005
Musicians of :Golgatha: are currently providing the soundtrack for an
archaeological documentary feature called Kinneret
(D 2005). An excerpt of this very ritualistic soundtrack-music can be
heared in the download section of this page.
Debut CD-r
March 29th, 2005
Now out on CD-r: The official debut-demo by :Golgatha: - “Waste
Land” (GOL 01, 2005). Black CD-r in full colour DVD-case, limited
to 100 hand numbered pieces. The first 30 include an exclusive, well
made sew-on-patch with the band logo (silver on black)! 14 intense soundtracks
(over 60 mins.) ranging from dark ambient-drones via ritual-structures
up to pounding industrial-rhythms. A journey through the bleakest parts
of our century. A multi layered mixture of acoustic instruments, treated
and deconstructed sounds and voices.